Wutango Media LLC Apps

Jetpack Doodle Man 1.3
Wutango Media LLC
Do you prefer games with stick figures anddoodle art backgrounds but still like the nonstop action andawesome heart-pounding thrills of more intense game genres? Checkout Jetpack Doodle Man, one of the coolest new family games fromFree Action Games Plus Fun Apps!In this popular, addicting game, you play none other then JetpackDoodle Man himself, an unlikely hero stickman representing afuturistic army in the skies over this crazy cartoon city.Far from a routine Sunday soar, in this app you find yourself inAngry Mosquito World, with obstacles and enemies galore. Watch outas oncoming plagues of mosquitoes of all sizes loom at you like adark cloud in the sky - large mosquitoes, small angry mosquitoes,and tiny mosquitoes – all ready to pierce your thin space suit withtheir hungry proboscises and drain out your life.As if that wasn’t enough danger for one zany game, the skies ofthis futuristic city are also full of the precarious exploding skymines, hurtling at your helmet out of nowhere and threatening toblast you from the skyline and send you tumbling to the citystreets below. Test your reflexes as you scramble from their pathas fast as possible, avoiding wipeouts if you can.Jetpack Doodle Man comes armed and ready for the challenge,shooting the angry enemies in this mosquito world out of the airwith a deadly fireball blaster as he moves onward.But while staying alive is hard enough in this one-dimensionalworld, the real point of the game is to collect as many gold andsilver coins as possible as the game progressively picks up speed,bringing new obstacles at you faster and faster. That you crash andburn is inevitable, but how long will your run last and how manypoints can you rack up before getting smashed to the ground?One of the top free games hitting the market and a great choice forboth kids and adults looking for fun, addictive games involvingstick figures that they can play on their mobile phones, it comescompatible with Android.It’s also fully supported by Game Center, allowing you to shareyour score with your friends and rub in your flying prowess anddeadly gun skills.Are you ready to blast some mutant mosquitoes?
Bad Smash Piggies 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
Who hasn’t sat back at one point and dreamedthey were a piggy bank robber? Right...Right?Well...okay, maybe it’s not something you ever reallyconsidered, but true to their usual form, Free Action Games PlusFun Apps takes the most unlikely video game scenario and turns itinto wild and crazy cartoon game fun in one of the most popular,addictive games they’ve released yet.Check out Smash Piggies!A new twist on your usual family games, in this popular app,your characters are the SMASH Piggies, a couple of bad piggiesturned bank robbers who’ve just pulled off the bank job of theirpiggy lives and are dashing across the city in a mad scramble withthe police in hot pursuit.Touch the screen with your finger to fire up your mustang andput the pedal to the metal in this cool police chase.The real challenge is avoiding the onrush of oncoming policecars, SWAT cars, pedestrian cars, and pick up trucks coming fast atyou from all directions; each and every citizen in this crazycartoon city seems intent on seeing your piggy tails locked upbehind bars.The traffic hurtles screeches and roars as every car and truckaims to smash you off the road...the metal crunches and squeals asyou smash your way to freedom...how will you ever get away?Fortunately, the game designers have given your tough lil’ pigssomething to work with, equipping your mustang with a minigun toprotect your money. Hey, you stole that cash fair and square, andwho can deny that minigun-toting bank-robbing pigs bring theAndroid game genre to a whole new art form?!The addicting fun doesn’t stop there...As you can imagine, the main problem for a couple racing gamecriminals fleeing the law is finding the breathing room to stop forfuel. In this mobile game, you rack up points and extend your gametime by collecting fuel coins. The game is of the progressive form,picking up speed as you go and bringing on the obstacles faster andfaster.You won’t last forever, but you can last as fast as possible andthen compare and share your scores with your friends on GameCenter. Who has what it takes to be the biggest baddestbank-robbing pig around?Need a bit more speed and a heavier punch? An awesome upgradeincludes moving from the mustang with minigun to a jeep fixed withan explosive rocket launcher.This game is truly a must-play for kids or adults who arelooking for top free games involving fast and zany police chases!Really – it gets no zanier than this!
Slender Girl Dash 1.2
Wutango Media LLC
Do you like horror stories? Have you everheard of Slender Man? Is he real or not? A creation of boredInternet geeks, or is it explanation merely a lie to cover upsomething darker? Find out in this fun and exciting new Androidgame as a new evil emerges in the dark, slender form of a womanwalking, stalking, quietly through the woods.A creative new release from Free Action Games Plus Fun Apps,Slender Girl Dash is bound to satisfy the craving of any video gameenthusiast who likes a little blood and gore mixed withheart-racing action.Our hero is a teenage girl on a camp party in the middle of thedark forest. Lights have been out for hours and suddenly she wakesup to find that most of her friends are missing. The others arehalf-eaten, their chewed and bloody pieces strewn about thecampsite.In a fit of disgust and gut-wrenching fear, she runs for herlife into the woods. The wind roars at times, carrying the sound ofvoices from the distance. Wait...was that a scream? Yes. A woman? Aman? It's hard to tell.It doesn't take long to figure out who she's up against as athin, eerily thin, black figure passes far, far in the distance.Almost like a mirage. Slender Girl is following her. Circling inthe distance. Stalking her like prey.Every once in a while, a camp emerges on the horizon. But it'sjust another group of innocent campers who've been devoured.Another pile of bodies in the stillness.In this wonderfully and creepy game, you collect gold and silverflashlight coins to rack up points so you can try to find your waythrough the dark wood. The more the points add up, the more ruggedand viscous becomes the terrain, until the very escape itselfbecomes a fight with death.And it's the mounting panic that keeps this game on its toes.Our hero paws her way through the woods, battling with obstacleslike fallen trees, tangled brush, and dangerous cliffs – all whilestuck in the cat and mouse game that could mean her end.Last as long as you can, building up as many points as possible,and then share with your friends in Game Center.Go download this addicting game on Android now.Slender Girl is waiting...
Campus Beer Run 3D - College 1.6.1
Wutango Media LLC
Are you ready to get your party on? If so,maybe you're also ready for “Campus Beer Run 3D,” a wild, silly,and hilarious sequel to one of the best shindigs ever thrown bypopular game designers, Wutango Media.The first Campus Beer Run left aspiring alcoholics the worldover clutching their heads, certain they had the time of their lifeand trying to piece back together the details. So clearly it wastime to come back with better graphics and more nonstop,gut-heaving fun. And so you have it.In this “temple run for belligerent party-goers,” the collegekids are doing what they do best. Keeping the neighborhood awake!It's just another off the hinges party at the frat-house, andeverybody who is anybody has shown up to drink themselvesstupid.You've got meatheads doing keg stands and trying to figure outhow to use the beer bong. The speakers are thumping, with musicloud enough to make enemies for a couple miles. Plenty of tokenhotties slamming back jell-o shots, getting ready to make baddecisions. And every porcelain god in the house is being worshipedby the latest round of puking freshmen.Then...a knock at the door. Looks like the campus police decidedto swing by and spoil all the fun – apparently, school is supposedto be stuffy and boring. But our drunken heroes aren't quite readyto throw in the towel, no matter how soaked in vodka, whiskey, andliquor it might be. You know how it goes – the cops say freeze andthe party scatters like a burst pinata.You're not going to be the one who takes the heat, are you?Of course not.Stumble out the front door and head for the hills, beer in hand,as the fascist campus cops take chase. A little alcohol andadrenaline in your veins, and a brisk run from the pigs seems nomore a bad idea than a friendly game of tag. So take your 3D runnerjogging (plenty of stumbling included) though college campusneighborhoods, trying to get away from the authorities (cocktail inhand) so you can find the next place to let loose withoutgovernment intervention.In this soggy, sopping wet game, you get six slobberingcharacters to choose from. There's the cool frat guy streaker,stripped down to his underwear. The ditzy sorority girl in herparty dress. An awkward, over-drunk fraternity pledge in search ofhis booty call. A hot cheerleader. And a beefy football player whohasn't yet realized the game is over.Or, don't like being one of the cool kids and fitting in? Thenbe the gangly nerd donning spandex and a cape...hey, who invitedthis guy, anyways?As if running from the cops when you're hammered isn't achallenge enough as it is, some jerks have gone and riddled yourpath with all kinds of obstacles that are sure to get your bloodboiling and your head spinning. Run and dodge around the empty beerbarrels and beer cans littering the streets, bail over the beerpong tables and the drunks passed out beside them, and then do aworld class Pete Rose beneath a party bus before you become theultimate party foul smeared across the pavement.Oh, yeah, and as if this wasn't the most random night on campus,watch for the flamingo wearing the beer helmet. He just mightbecome your favorite new “wing man.”Wait, a flamingo wearing a beer helmet? Are you sure that's justbeer in that cup...?As you hit the pavement, collect beer bottle and 1-liter beermug coins to rack up points, and then compare scores with friendson our leaderboard before your hangover hits. Campus Beer Run 3Dalso comes with a multiplayer function if you want to up the anteand introduce a little friendly competition.As the game progresses and you stack up beer points, theobstacles get harder to avoid and the campus nazis with badges getall the more aggressive on your heels. Can you stay out of thedrunk tank until morning?A funny, addicting new adult game for people who know how tohave a good time, Campus Beer Run 3D is available for iOS, Android,and Kindle Fire.It's time to get irresponsible.
Blood Run of Rome 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
In this awesome warrior game, a Gladiator isout to win his freedom – but not by fighting for it in therule-bound ring. Instead, he's broken loose from his cell and ismaking a run for world beyond the walls of the legendary coliseum.Check out Blood Run of Rome, an addicting new game from Free ActionGames Plus Fun Apps; incarnate the powerful body of a Roman slavewith a talent for bloodsport and a goal set firm in his mind.Escape.Will he succeed in his quest?In the ring or not, freedom will not be won without a fight. Andthis Gladiator is in for the fight of his life. Using touch-screenmovements, battle your way towards freedom, going head-to-head withthe soldiers, centurions, roman chariots, and even bloodthirstytigers. It's the ultimate game of death!Character options in Blood of Rome include the basic gladiatorand paid character upgrades: the armored gladiator, femalegladiator, and grizzled barbarian gladiator with a battleaxe ineach iron fist of a hand!To gain points, collect the silver and gold roman coins. As yourscore increases, the game picks up pace, and your foes come at youfaster and faster, until your world becomes a blur ofblood-spattered concrete amid the towering walls of the ancientcoliseum. Last as long as you can, and then share your scores withfriends on Game Center.Blood Run of Rome is available on the Android.
Atomic Girl 1.0
Wutango Media LLC
What if the last action hero were a woman? Ifyou're a kid or adult who likes tough and independent femalesuperheroes, check out this addicting, awesome android game. Putyour she-power in over-drive!In this crazy app, you get to be the popular Atomic Girl – awoman on a mission. Touch your finger to the screen to activateyour stick figure character and send her shooting up into the air,flying across Sky City. Dodge out of the way of super villains andgo head-to-head with the Zombie Pirate Police, Jetpack BikerZombie, and Robo Zombie Freak.Battle these villains with your atomic powers as they come atyou, all trying their hardest to knock you from the skies and watchyou clash to the city streets below...The aim of this cool game is to collect as many gold and silveratom coins as possible while dodging the enemies as they startshowing up faster. The longer you play, the faster the game movesand the faster the enemies hurtle at you. And the more coins youcollect before you get knocked to the ground, the more points youget.Want to bring a more competitive element of the game? Noproblem. Get your friends to download and you can share your scoresto find out who makes the best Atomic Girl in your group.How long can you keep Atomic Girl alive?Check out one of the best new mobile family games for girls& boys today!
Rage of Monkey Clans 1.0
Wutango Media LLC
Ready to try out your ninja ape-fightingskills? In this wild android game by Free Action Games Plus FunApps, the infamous space baboons are invading earth to steal ourdelicious banana supplies. A destructive fighting force that willstop at nothing to get their hands on these delicious treats, thebaboons are sure to destroy the entire planet on their quest.But not without a fight, they won't. Earth's last hope is thesecretive ninja ape clan who is ready to emerge from their sacredape mountain town and do battle to defeat the baboons and protectthe divine banana. Incarnate cool ninja ape characters, likeApedoken with his shuriken, the Bananape with nunchaku, Hayabusapewith kunai, and Apegoku with the magic staff.Fight spacesuit-wearing baboon soldiers and baboon warriors asbaboon spaceships hover in the background, and be sure to watch outfor the genetically-engineered baboon monster and the formidablelaser traps.To gain points, collect silver and gold bananas and share yourscores with friends in Game Center.Rage of Monkey Clans is available on the Android.
Dragon Scramble 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
If you’re looking for free kids games forgirls& boys who love crazy, addicting non-stop action, it’stime tocheck out this awesome and new Android game from FreeAction GamesPlus Fun Apps. Clench your talons, flex those scalylimbs, stretchyour wings, and climb into the skies with one of thebest mobileapps to hit the market – Dragon Scramble is here!Think dragons are the bad guys? They sure look menacingwiththeir long teeth and breath fiery enough to roast entirevillages,but when you play this cool game, the dragon is thehero!Turn popular mythology on its head as you touch your finger tothescreen, spreading your wings and shooting up to fly sky highandinto the oncoming desert storm.But this is no ordinary desert storm. As you hurtle onward,braceyourself for punishment. Through the vicious storm clouddanger,tornado trouble, whizzing airplanes, and the whirlingpropellers ofthe chop chop helicopters, you push on, trying to keepyourselfalive against all odds and collecting as many fire coinsaspossible.Obstacle after obstacle emerges from the dust, threateningtosmash the wings off your back and send you plummeting to acrumbleddragon heap on the arid sands below.Will the danger never stop? As you push your way throughtheroaring winds, seeking safety from the storm, the obstacleshurtletowards you faster and faster. The ultimate goal is tocollect firecoins and get as many points as possible, but in orderto do so,first you’ve got to stay alive.One of the more addictive games to play with friends, thisappcomes with full Game Center support, allowing you tocompeteagainst your friends and share your tales of top actiondragonlore. Destined to be a smash hit in this digital age,DragonScramble is fast becoming popular with a new brand ofgamers.Start out with the Brown Dragon, and when you core enough pointstoupgrade, you can choose the Red Dragon or the UltimateBlueDragon.
Office Runner Black Ops 1.0
Wutango Media LLC
The hero in this fun Android game hashadenough of his job. Between his arrogant boss, the boss'spompousson, and the aggressive manager, every day at work feelslike sheertorture. Is the money even worth it anymore?Then, one day, monotony breaks with an ear-shattering roarandArmageddon-style mayhem. The cubicle slave who thoughthis“stick-a-knife-in-my-eyes” boring office job couldn't possiblygetany worse is in for the battle of his life when every lastpersonin his office turns into a flesh-eating zombie!While the bright side is finally getting a chance to get backathis superiors for years of slow torture, his chances of gettingoutof this alive are slim...Check out Office Runner Black Ops, a new game by FreeActionGames Plus Fun Apps where you play a disgruntled employee intheworst day on the job in his life. With guns in hand, you blastyourway through a maze of cubicles, skyscrapers looming in thewindows.Blow approaching office zombies to pieces before they havea chanceto lay their reaching fingers on your crisp businesssuit!To gain points, pick up stacks of bills, but as your scoregoesup, the zombie attackers get faster and more persistent. Willyouever get off work alive? Last as long as possible without havingtomake that oh-so-final “clock out” and then compare your pointswithfriends in Game Center.Office Runner Black Ops is available for the Android.Downloadnow and get to work!
Jetpack Dragon Hunting 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
Do you usually think of dragons as alegendconfined to medieval times? Think again. In this addictingiPhonegame, Jetpack Dragon Hunting, the dragons have re-emerged inafuturistic city-world and have one again become a threattohumanity.But all is not lost. To keep the threat at bay, the humansnowemploy dragon hunters in jetpacks, sending them out to hunttheflying reptiles and keep their numbers at bay. Ready to jointhehunt?Touch your finger to the screen to launch yourjetpack-wearinghero into the sky and go dragon-hunting in the darkskies of afuturistic fantasy. Dark storm clouds linger overhead asyou flythrough the city, shooting up all the dragons you comeacross. Yourcool ray gun ejects a small tube of white light,blasting the blackhellfire dragons into fiery explosions.As this game progresses, the dragons become more advancedandmore deadly, forcing you to constantly hone your skills asajetpack dragon hunter. Collect gold dragon coins to build uppointsand then share your top scores with friends in GameCenter.Jetpack Dragon Hunting, a popular new game by Free ActionGamesPlus Fun Apps, is available on Android.
Baby Jungle Pet Run 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
Do you like cool cartoon games with cutejunglecharacters? Play a trio of young jungle animals in BabyJungle PetRun, a fun game by Free Action Games Plus Fun Apps whereyou racethrough the Amazon rainforest on a high-speed jungle racetodetermine who's the fastest cat around and the new King oftheJungle!Dash across overgrown jungle paths on the challenge of youryounglife, with tropical palm trees and giant mountains looming inthebackground.The jungle is rampant with natural obstacles, and to stay intherace you have to avoid them. Hurdle over fallen tree trunksandgiant brambles. Dodge around carnivorous plants trying tobitethrough your soft, furry flesh. Watch out for the adulthyena,creeping through the underbrush, out to prey on youngjungleanimals lost in the tangled forest.And run for your life from the dangerous indigenous warriorswithwar masks before you become their next dinner!Choose from three cool characters in this fun game, includingalion cub, a tiger, cub, and a black panther cub, and collectmeatysteaks instead of coins to build up points. Be sure tocomparescores with friends.Baby Jungle Pet Run, a wild and crazy game for girls andboysalike, is compatible with Android.
Adventures of Stick Girl 1.0
Wutango Media LLC
Check out a new kind of flying game in azanyAndroid app called Adventures of Stick Girl! In thisaddictingcartoon game, you play a stick girl riding on a paperairplane asit's thrown through the air, and you have to avoidobstacles whileracking up points by swooping silver and gold coinsout of the air.Players get access to multiple plan options, including thebasicpaper airplane and more complicated, aerodynamic plane designsaswell as different pilot outfits for the stick girl! Justupgradefor faster, more coordinated models and bring the stick girlto anew level of flying prowess.High-flying obstacles include lumbering flies, bees, andotherkids set on smashing you and your plane into a crumpled ballofpaper on the floor. As you rack up points, the flying justgetstougher, and then you can share your scores with friends inGameCenter. How long can you keep flying high?A fun family game by Free Action Games Plus Fun Apps,Adventuresof Stick Girls is available on the Android. Get in on thewildflying action by downloading now!
Paper Girl Kawaii Car Escape 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
A sequel to our other game, Paper Girl,theadventurous blonde driver faces more obstacles on a new road.• New and improved!• Face silly obstacles!• Choose a variety of cute cars!• Fun and free!
Firefighting Bird Racer 1.0
Wutango Media LLC
Get ready for a wild and crazy competitioninFirefighting Bird Racer, an imaginative new mobile phone gamefromFree Action Games Plus Fun Apps that combines fantasyadventurewith non-stop racing action.Step into a medieval wonderland when you climb atop yourpetracing phoenix, a god-like creature that has inspiredcenturiesupon centuries worth of legends. Together you and thismagical birdenter into an epic racing tournament, pitting thephoenix’s flyingprowess and your wits against legions of darkmonster birds andtheir ghastly riders.Go talon to talon and wingspan to wingspan againstgianthigh-speed falcons and menacing black raven beasts in a raceforyour life. Put your finger on the screen and use thetouchtechnology to dive and duck your way through the contest,avoidingdeath at every turn. The object of the game is to stayalive andcollect as many phoenix gold coins as possible.As the game begins, you might find the monster-ridingopponentsare no match for your fiery phoenix, but as you collectgold coinsand build your score, you'll find them adapting andpicking upspeed. As your score get higher, they get progressivelyfasteruntil the tournament becomes a mess of monster feathersandsnarling beaks.Share your top scores with friends in the Game Center todiscoverthe real champion of this top-speed racing adventure.Firefighting Bird Racer is compatible with Android. Checkoutthis addicting new family game today!
Amazing Nova Kids 1.0.1
Wutango Media LLC
Have you ever dreamed of being a super hero?Have you ever closed your eyes and wondered what it would beliketo will yourself from the ground, using nothing but your mind,andtake to the winds? To use superhuman powers to wage war againstallthat is evil?Fulfill your greatest fantasy in wild and zany fashion inthisnew Android game by Free Action Games Plus Fun Apps. Anaddictivesuper hero game like none you’ve ever seen, Nova Kids willtake youoff the ground and out of this world.Of course, creating superheroes is an art that requiresabalance; all good is countered by evil. Any superhero, kid ornot,needs a villain. In this crazy game app, the right villain fortheNova Kids are the wacky zombie birds, ready to peck your eyesanddrop you from the sky.Touch the screen to control your character, shooting up skyhighover Nova City. Dart your way through the skyscrapers, veeringbackand forth to dodge the angry zombie birds launching at youfromevery direction and collecting crystals as you go. Awesome!A progressively more-difficult game, Nova Kids picks up speedasyou gain skill; even super heroes get no mercy. As you getbetter,the game gets faster and zombie birds keep coming at youatbreakneck speed until they’re nothing but a blur of red, black,andgreen feathers.How long can you last before the birds batter you from theurbanskyline? Compare your success with your friends as you shareonGame Center and see who has the chops to make it longest inNovaCity.One of the best family games on the market, Nova Kids is madeforboth girls & boys, and you can play as Nova Boy orNovaGirl.Set to be one of the top free games released this year.
Jetpack Baby 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
The depths of innocence versus the depthsofevil. Cute beyond belief versus unbridled horror andblood-lust.What happens when you pit an army of savage, unthinkingandunfeeling zombies against a hero in a baby diaper and a jetpack?Free Action Games Plus Fun Apps answers that question in oneofthe best family games for boys & girls in 2013 –JetpackBaby!In this crazy Android game, a free app, the end has finallycome.A plague of zombies have taken over, and the majority of thehumanpopulation has been torn to pieces or joined their ranks.Little isleft of the world we once knew, and Earth's cities areslowly goingto ruins, our technology steadily disappearing as ourgreatbuildings crumble into dust and decay.But with the birth of a new generation, a hero emerges.MeetJetpack Baby, a micro-superhero with a diaper and an attitude.Hemay have not experienced the world as it was, but he'sMankind'sbest chance of getting it all back in this cool game.Touch yourfinger to the screen and watch Jetpack Baby soar into theskies,flying over an apocalyptic zombie world and battling in theairabove a crumbling zombie city.The skies are not for him alone either. In this game, yousharethe skies with the enemies – the flying zombie, flyingofficezombie, and death bird zombie rider. Jetpack Baby has toavoidthese oncoming attackers and death birds and pick his waythroughthe mayhem in the skies. Feel the rush and embrace thechallenge,blasting the living dead from the air with your cartoongun andcollecting gold pacifiers.The object of the game is to collect as many gold pacifiersaspossible as the flying dead come faster and faster. Compareyourscores with friends on Game Center to see who makes thebiggest,baddest Jetpack Baby.Sure to be one of the top popular free kids games, JetpackBabyis compatible with Android.
Angry Mouse Maze Scramble 1.2
Wutango Media LLC
Do you like testing your mind with puzzlegamesand mazes? Do racing games get your blood pumping? Howaboutcombining the two to create one of the most addictive games ontheplanet?Another wild, crazy, and zany Android game production fromFreeAction Games Plus Fun Apps, Angry Mouse Maze Scramble is one ofthemost addicting games for girls & boys out there right now.Whatmakes for more great family fun than to make the mice theheroes ofthe game?If you think you know racing, get ready for farm country,wherethe angry housekeepers have it out for you! This game iscompletelycontrolled with a quick touch of the screen, which getsyour littlemouse feet clicking across the floor as you run throughfarmcountry and take off on an awesome, crazy food run.True to the designer’s form, the obstacles in this crazy foodrunaren’t the ones you’ll see in your everyday mobile app. Watchoutfor that coke can! Oh no – don’t get caught up in that nastycoffeespill. Dart around the crumpled paper balls and spoiled food– andbe sure to watch out for mouse traps!The object of the game is to collect as many bits ofdeliciouscheese morsels as you can while avoiding the oncoming junkandstaying away from nasty mouse traps that threaten to squashyouinto oblivion. As the game goes on, it picks up speed andobstaclesstart coming faster and faster. Try to stay alive as longaspossible, gathering up your cheese to rack up points, andthencompare your results with your friends.Choose from a white, brown, or black mouse.
Korean Drama Girl Adventures 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
Flex your girl power in the fun newrunninggame by Free Action Games Plus Fun Apps, Adventures ofKorean Girl.In this cool new Android game for independent girls,you play acute Korean girl running across a cartoon city andevadinglovestruck men all dead set on getting her out for a date.Use your touch screen to control our hero in her sprintforfreedom as the men surround her and chase her everywhereshegoes.Avoid the man with the chocolates, pursing his lips for akiss.Dodge the elegant schmuck, kneeling to offer a ring, and fleethepoor, ragged sap with his fresh-picked flower as fast as yourlegswill carry you. Oh, and watch out for the creepy emo punk boyas hecomes skidding across the street to offer his own token oflove, ahideous dark collar.Will Korean Girl be able to escape? Keep her from theromanticclutches of her male pursuers as long as possible whilecollectingcoins strewn across the city, and then share the scorewith friendson Game Center. As you gain more points, her suitorsonly becomemore relentless, coming at her with their gifts fromalldirections.Available on Android, Adventures of Korean Girl is a greatfamilygame that will keep kids playing for hours. Download andstartplaying today!
Paper Girl Car Racing Game 1.1
Wutango Media LLC
Can you keep Paper Girl alive?The oncoming traffic is coming from all directions –heavy-dutytrucks and sleek, muscular race cars hurtle by andthreaten to runyou off the road or smash you into bits. Feel therush and embracethe speed in this action-packed car racing gamebound to become oneof the top free games for mobile phones!Climb behind the wheel in the cool, crazy, and addicting“PaperGirl.” The premise of this new app is simple; just touchyourfinger to the screen to fire up the engine and race throughthecity streets, dodging an onslaught of oncoming traffic asyoucollect gold coins.Win victory by stacking your cartoon money and racking up asmanypoints as possible.How long can you defy death? The better you play, the fasterthegame goes, and soon obstacles are whizzing by at breakneckspeeds –keep dodging traffic and keep gaining points, and thenshare yoursuccess with your friends on Game Center!As you move from level to level, you can unlock more awesomecarsfor Paper Girl; choose from blue, red, pink, or black.One of the most popular new Android games from Free ActionGamesPlus Fun Apps, Paper Girl is compatible with the Android.
Campus Beer Run: College Girls 1.2
Wutango Media LLC
Hold your bottle close and venture forth intoadizzy new world, with giant frat-houses looming in the backgroundasyou zigzag through the campus grounds. In Campus Beer Run, youwalk,run, stumble, and stagger your way through the corridors andstreetsof higher education in search for “just one morebeer.”Play a typical college kid in those week-old jeans, or accesspaidupgrades that include the aging college veteran in nothing buthistighty whities and the drunken girl in a party dress with suchamiserable look on her face that it's obvious she's the only onewhohasn't figured out the party is over.In your inebriated stupor, you crash into obstacle after obstacle–bar stools, passed out drunks, empty beer barrels. All you wantisanother sip, but you can barely stay on your feet! Enoughcarelessbumps in this maze of a world your loss of brainpower hascreatedand you're sure to blow your chunks.And that's game over, Folks.Of course, it's only proper that in this game you collect pointsbygetting your hands on more beer suds to keep your wanderingdrunkadequately sloshed. Pick up the bottles of beer or overflowingmugsto get top scores and then compete with your beer buddies inGameCenter.Download this fun and addicting game on your Android now andtakeoff on a beer run you won't soon forget! It's time togetsauced...